Equipment Specific IRF Matrices

The RGA can be set up to use different IRF Adjustment Matrices based on the specific equipment whose gas composition is being analyzed. To use this feature, follow the steps below. NOTE: This procedure requires administrator access (default login: ‘2’).


  1. Make sure that the piece of equipment for which you want to set up an IRF Adjustment Matrix is configured in the Tools Database Maintenance Maintain Equipment menu. If the equipment has not been added, you will need to add it. Remember that Equipment is tied to Equipment Types; therefore, you may need to add an Equipment Type in the Tools Database Maintenance Maintain Equipment Type menu first.

  1. Open the Instrument Setup Calculation Factors menu.

  1. Open the Equipment Specific IRF Matrices menu option. Select the equipment for which you want to set up an IRF Matrix. Then click Edit.

  1. IRF Matrix parameters for the selected equipment will be displayed. Edit the parameters for the equipment. Parameters are described in the IRF Adjustment Matrix section IRF Adjustment Matrix.

  1. Click Save when finished editing parameters. The IRF Matrix for this particular equipment is now set up.



When ready to start a Session for this piece of equipment:

  1. Open the Sessions menu from the main RGA menu.

  2. Using the Equipment Name drop-down box, select the piece of equipment for which you want to want to apply an Equipment Specific IRF Matrix.

  3. Make sure that the Use Equipment Specific IRF Matrix box is checked.

  4. Press Start to begin the Session.